
Meet Anita

Meet Anita


I’m so glad you stopped by to learn more about me and what God’s called me to do in order to help you move into what He’s called YOU to do!

As you know, I’m a business coach. You might not know that addition to coaching, I’m a pastor of a church and an administrator of a faith-based non-profit.

I know what it’s like to make bold moves, to step out in faith in spite of fear and to go after my calling with all I’ve got.

Seven years ago, I had no idea what God desired for me.  God had prompted my husband and I to step out of pastoral ministry and we were unemployed and living off our savings until God showed us our next steps.

It was in this season that God led me to coaching and in 2013, I enrolled in an ICF-approved Christian coach training program.


I’m so glad you stopped by to learn more about me and what God’s called me to do in order to help you move into what He’s called YOU to do!

As you know, I’m a business coach. You might not know that in addition to coaching, I’m a pastor of a church and an administrator of a faith-based non-profit.

I know what it’s like to make bold moves, to step out in faith in spite of fear and to go after my calling with all I’ve got.

Seven years ago, I had no idea what God desired for me.  God had prompted my husband and I to step out of pastoral ministry and we were unemployed and living off our savings until God showed us our next steps.

It was in this season that God led me to coaching and in 2013, I enrolled in an ICF-approved Christian coach training program.

I finished coach training in January of 2014 and launched my website to crickets (ouch)! I then quickly realized that while I’d obtained a valuable skill-set through coach certification, I’d need to learn how to market my newly developed expertise!

I finished coach training in January of 2014 and launched my website to crickets (ouch)! I then quickly realized that while I’d obtained a valuable skill-set through coach certification, I’d need to learn how to market my newly developed expertise!

I quickly dove into learning as much as I could from online marketers like Amy Porterfield, Michael Hyatt, Marie Forleo and Ramit Sethi, and just 90 days after enrolling in an online business building course, I launched my first online group course and FILLED IT…with “STRANGERS!”

I quickly dove into learning as much as I could from online marketers like Amy Porterfield, Michael Hyatt, Marie Forleo and Ramit Sethi, and just 90 days after enrolling in an online business building course, I launched my first online group course and FILLED IT…with “STRANGERS!”

After 2 years of transforming lives + creating income as a life purpose coach, other Christian women in business began to notice and wanted to learn how to do the same so in 2016 I transitioned into business coaching, built a brand new audience in 60 days and created an income of $7500 with my first offer.

Since then, I’ve grown a multiple six-figure coaching business and the BEST part of it is that I’ve helped other women create their own six-figure businesses!

In 2017, I returned with my husband to pastoral ministry while continuing to coach other women into their Kingdom callings in business.

I love that I can balance all of the assignments that God has given me with joy and with ease, and that I am able to help other women to do the same!

 After 2 years of transforming lives + creating income as a life purpose coach, other Christian women in business began to notice and wanted to learn how to do the same so in 2016 I transitioned into business coaching, built a brand new audience in 60 days and created an income of $7500 with my first offer.

Since then, I’ve grown a multiple six-figure coaching business and the BEST part of it is that I’ve helped other women create their own six-figure businesses!

In 2017, I returned with my husband to pastoral ministry while continuing to coach other women into their Kingdom callings in business.

I love that I can balance all of the assignments that God has given me with joy and with ease, and that I am able to help other women to do the same!